Experiments in poetry and performance: an attempt in (and with) teaching ancient Greek poetry


  • Agatha Bacelar Universidade de Brasília




Ancient Greek poetry, Performance, Songs, Circlesongs


The undergraduate scientific initiation project “Between festivals and rhythms: performative and musical aspects of ancient Greek poetry” was conceived to receive students developing case studies on specific poems. Each case study is expected to accomplish an introductory investigation on the performative context of the poem in question and, in a second moment, to encourage experiments in vocalizing and tapping the poem. These experiments, adapted from improvising vocal and body-percussion games, are then proposed to a non-specialist public on a workshop. This paper presents the case studies developed by two students in the year 2018-19 and gives an account of the workshop’s first edition in 2019.


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How to Cite

Experiments in poetry and performance: an attempt in (and with) teaching ancient Greek poetry. (2020). Dramaturgies, 15, 78-94. https://doi.org/10.26512/dramaturgias15.35751