The Opera Stage Direction in Quest of the Icastic Gesture


  • Guilherme Proença Universidade de Paris VIII Vincennes”“Saint-Denis



Opera, Stage Direction, Gesture, Music, Singularity, Performance.


The present study sheds a light on the theoretical and practical process of the gesture’s mise en scé€ne and it’s importance to the overall design of the scenic image of the opera performance. The icastic gesture is a visual, verbal, or mu- sical “singularity”, intended to communicate the most direct, effective, and clear as possible an intention, a feeling, or a meaning. It is also an essential component of the articulation and balance of all interartistic signs evolving within the spectacle’s space time.


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How to Cite

The Opera Stage Direction in Quest of the Icastic Gesture. (2020). Dramaturgies, 14, 409-430.