Hugo Rodas and the Stolen Memories: Roads.


  • Valeria Braga Universidade de Goiânia



Hugo Rodas., VIsuality, Memory., Cultural Performances


The purpose of this article is to discuss the artistic process and work of director Hugo Rodas in his creation of the piece Memória Roubada (2002) a work known to increase the audience’s awareness of the scenic arts and which expands viewers understanding of theatrical interpretation. The work lends itself, in this instance, as more than a simple relationship between viewer and scene. Rather the piece immerses the audience and acts as an intervention to the sterile consistent world around. Memória Roubada places the viewer in the center of all the action enabling them to perceive the multiple interpretations and experiences actively occurring on stage. This study, therefore, raises question and reflections in reference to the dynamics of the scenic arts employed in this work whilst analyzing the ability of the theatrical work to invoke questions and formulate new thoughts to the viewer.


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