The relationship between theater, music and visual arts in Lorenzaccio and Nuovo Scenario da Lorenzaccio by Sylvano Bussotti


  • Ledice Fernandes de Oliveira Weiss Universidade de São Paulo



Sylvano Bussotti. Musical theater. Collage in music. Transdisciplinarity. Metalanguage.


Lorenzaccio et Nuovo scenario da Lorenzaccio are works that lie halfway between traditional opera and a kind of musical theater whose principles are constantly denied. We see in this article that Bussotti's musical style obeys a fantastic aesthetic ideal, in which components (which are of any kind, musical or extra-musical) work as colors inside a musical work which we might call visual and pictorial. Sylvano Bussotti thus invented a sui generis style, which cultivates indeterminacy and stylistic syncretism. Transiting through different musical systems without focusing on any of them, Bussotti's art is constructed of elements that are in principle antithetical, such as melodrama and happening, tonality and atonality, painting and collage. The intermingling of artistic genres ”” dance, painting, theater, music ”” reflects an exuberant artistic approach that aims to be an intrinsically theatrical form, and also to establish a deep metalinguistic reflection about the role of art to mankind.

Author Biography

  • Ledice Fernandes de Oliveira Weiss, Universidade de São Paulo

    Escola de Comunicações e Artes ”“ USP/FAPESP


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How to Cite

The relationship between theater, music and visual arts in Lorenzaccio and Nuovo Scenario da Lorenzaccio by Sylvano Bussotti. (2019). Dramaturgies, 11.