Danças em Fricções. Danças e desobediências do Corpo


  • Denise Mancebo Zenicola Universidade Federal Fluminense/IACS




Dance; Identity; Dramaturgy; Decolonial Aesthetic.


The article proposes to approach cultural influences in the construction of dan- ce dramaturgy to deepen the study of the so-called Afro Contemporary Dance, with a cut to those practiced in the artistic scene. The objective of this article is to study how artistic creations can be imbricated in direct association with me- mory and how such creations eventually assuming a certain dance identity as a decolonial option. Therefore, we seek to analyze processes and choices of the dramaturgy of the body and the scene. Our axis of thematic analysis thus refers to the concepts and processes of choreographers and dance creators who mani- fest, at a deeper level, a continuum afro of aesthetic principles and uses some theoretical principles of Gilroy, Karenga, Mignolo and Puma de Ayala.


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PUMA DE AYALA, Waman. Nueva crónica y buen govierno [1516]. Ed. John Murra e Rolena Adorno, México: Fondo de Cultura Econômica, 1982.

ROSAY, Madelaine. Dicionário de Ballet. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Max, 1979.

THOMPSON, Robert Farris. Flash of the Spirit: African and Afro-American Art and Philosophy. New York: Vintage Books, 1983.

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How to Cite

Danças em Fricções. Danças e desobediências do Corpo. (2018). Dramaturgies, 8, 72-87. https://doi.org/10.26512/dramaturgias.v0i8.14968