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The text must be submitted in Microsoft Word (doc) or Libre Office (odt) format using the font Times New Roman 12. It should include the following information:

1. Title / subtitle in the language of the text

2. Title / subtitle in English if different to above

3. Name of author

4. Institution

5. Email contact

6. Abstract and Keywords in the language of the text

7. Abstract and Keywords in English if different from above

The body of the text follows this information with non-numbered subsection divisions in bold and using sentence case. The bibliography is situated at the end. Footnotes complement the information in the body of the text and indicate bibliographical references. Citations of works are made in the body with the system of author/date in parentheses.


H. G. Gadamer tem nos alertado para a abstração em arte. Segundo o autor, "a abstração da consciência estética produz algo que é, para si mesmo, positivo. Permite ver e existir por si mesmo aquilo que é a pura obra de arte. Chamo a esse seu produto de ‘distinção estética’ (GADAMER 1997:30)".

In regard to the materials cited in the bibliography we have:

a. Books

GADAMER, H.G. Verdade e Método. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 1997.

a1. Books from international university publishers or publishing houses with the nomination of the city omitted.

THALMANN,W. Dramatic Art in Aeschylus's Seven Against Thebes. Yale University Press,1978.

A2. Published translations

GARCIA LORCA, F. Assim que passarem cinco anos. Trad. Marcus Mota. Brasília: Editora UnB, 2000.

b. Book Chapters

MOTA, M. "Teatro grego: Novas perspectivas" In: Sandra Rocha (Org.). Cinco Ensaios sobre a Antiguidade. São Paulo: Annablume, 2011, pp. 45-66.

c. Articles in periodicals

GONSTASKY, S. "Revising Himself: Performance as Text in Samuel Beckett's Theatre. " In: Journal of Modern Literature 22.1(1998):131-155. Link:

d. Monographs, theses and dissertations

DUARTE, M. Quando a dança e jogo e o intérprete é jogador: Do corpo ao jogo, do jogo à cena. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2009. Link: .

Information about images (photos, tables, graphics, etc.) follows immediately after the image or as a footnote.


Texts developed during the DramaLab seminars.

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