Painéis multimodais: pinceladas sobre ressemiotização na Escola Bilíngue de Taguatinga ”“ Distrito Federal


  • Eduardo Brasil Universidade de Brasília



This paper intends to shed light on the way the oral and written modalities are resemiotizedinto the visual language in the Bilingual School ”“ Brazilian sign language and written Portugueseof Taguatinga (BST). The corpus consists of the mural in the schoolyard, fashioned by the deaf students of the BST as the final project of the‘Written Portuguese’ class. Once the secondary objectives of this article revolve around the identification of the semiotic resources applied to themultimodal integration of meaning, which fosters communication inside and outside the school, I also singled out as datum for this analysis one of the several frames painted on the school wall. The theory of Multimodality is the theoretical basis of this work, upheld by the analytical categories of the Grammar of Visual Design by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006), namely the interactive and represented participants, salience, the real versus the ideal, the given versus the new, and symbolic attributes. The results show that resemiotization is only possible because the principle of intersemiotic complementarity (ROYCE, 2007) operates in the composition of the murals, merging visual and verbal forms, in order to give more dynamism to written mode of Portuguese, which is the target language of the deaf apprentice.


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How to Cite

Painéis multimodais: pinceladas sobre ressemiotização na Escola Bilíngue de Taguatinga ”“ Distrito Federal. (2018). Discursos Contemporâneos Em Estudo, 3(1), 141-166.