Discurso, discurso meu, diga-me: quem sou eu? A representação social de resistência da presidenta Dilma Rousseff em tempos de crise


  • Rodrigo dos Santos Camilo Universidade de Brasília




This critical social discourse research aims to investigate a) how DilmaRousseff, the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, built her social representation of resistance in the course of 2015. The corpus comprises of the official speeches by the Rousseff. The analysis is based on the main assumptions of the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), particularly in the conception by Norman Fairclough (2001; 2003) andPedro (1998); on the Theory of Social Representation as in Guareschi and Jovchelovitch (2013) and Minayo (2013); and in connection with Social Actors Representation by van Leeuwen (1998).The methodology is qualitative, while the analytic categories follow van Leeuwen (1998). Results show that President Rousseff represented herself in a dual role in 2015: on the one side as an active, leading member of the social body formed by all Brazilians; on the other side, as an agent that acts as protagonist of the Brazilian sociopolitical scene.


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How to Cite

Discurso, discurso meu, diga-me: quem sou eu? A representação social de resistência da presidenta Dilma Rousseff em tempos de crise. (2018). Discursos Contemporâneos Em Estudo, 3(1), 113-140. https://doi.org/10.26512/discursos.v3i1.2018/8641