Desafios do design experiencial
Design. emoção. experiênciaAbstract
Este artigo explora trajetórias do design experiencial e algumas questões sobre esse tema. Para tanto, o artigo inicia com uma breve história da interação humano-computador para situar a experiencia e segue com a revisão bibliográ ca sobre as bases teóricas do design experiencial. O resultado dessa contrução é‡ uma trajetória entre o concreto e a experiencia onde várias questões ainda precisam ser respondidas e outras elaboradas.
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Desmet, P., & Hekkert, P. (2002). The Basis of Product Emotions. In: W. Green, & P. Jordan, Pleasure with Products, beyond usability (pp. 60-68). London: Taylor and Francis.
Hassenzahl, M. (2007). The Hedonic/Pragmatic Model of User Experience. In: E. Law, A. Vermeeren, M. Hassenzahl, & M. Blythe, Towards a Manifesto (pp. 10-14). Lancaster: Cost. Hassenzahl, M. (2003). The Thing and I: Understanding the relationship between user and products. In:K. O. by M.A. Blythe, Funology: From Usability to Enjoyment (pp. 31-42). Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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Hoog, W. v., Keller, I., & Stappers, P. J. (2004). Gustbowl: technology supporting affective communication through routine ritual interactions. CHI EA ‘04 (pp. 775-776). New York: ACM. Kort, J., Vermeeren, A. P., & Fokker, J. E. (2007). Conceptualizing and Measuring UX. In: E. Law, A. Vermeeren, M. Hassenzahl, & M. Blythe, Towards a UX Manifesto (pp. 57-64). Lancaster: Cost. Millard, N., & Hole, L. (2008). In the Moodies: Using ´Affective Widgets to help Contact Centre Advisors
Fight Stress. In: C. Peter, & R. Beale, Affect and Emotion in Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 186-193). Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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de Maio de 2010, disponível em Slideshare: Roto, V. (2007). User Experience from Product Creation Perspective. In: E. Law, A. Vermeeren, M. Hassenzahl, & M. Blythe, Towards a UX Manifesto (pp. 31-34). Lancaster: Cost.
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