O Instagram
uma interface multiplataforma de trabalho para criadores de conteúdo
Instagram, design, mídia social, creatorAbstract
Mobile devices have enabled a wide variety of tasks performed digitally, just like work. This underwent a change from the physical to the cognitive and combined with the use of mobile devices there was a demand for work involving the creation of content, from the most diverse segments. Social media, specifically Instagram, has opened up opportunities to interact with an audience instantly, thus creating a new role: the digital content creator. Therefore, since the content that goes online is growing, the demand for work also follows this scenario. Hence, what are the contributions of published studies regarding this scenario? The objective of this article is to analyze and understand the emergence of digital content creator activities, limiting their activities to Instagram. This way, a bibliographical review was carried out on this social media as a work tool, being a multiplatform interface.
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