What Does It Mean To Think Amerindian Thought?


  • Rafael Saldanha Professor substituto UFRJ


Indigenous Thought, University Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Materialism


The aim here is to talk about Amerindian thought in Brazil and what we can understand by this institutional field, which is still relatively new in the field of philosophy. We are focusing on a more practical-methodological analysis because we are well aware that the consideration of indigenous thought in the philosophical tradition is something that, at best, still rests on very precarious foundations. There is more and more interest, but in the academic field of the university, we can't say that there really is a presence (we can't find journals dedicated to the subject in Brazil, we don't have - as far as I know - chairs dedicated to the subject, and there are also few professors available to supervise research on these topics in graduate programs in the field of philosophy). So, as a way of countering this historical exclusion, we will try to elaborate in this presentation the ways in which it is possible to approach Amerindian thought and some of the possible contributions to the field of philosophy in general. Throughout the text, we present three possible strategies that can arise from this contact between the university philosophical institution and indigenous thought.


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How to Cite

What Does It Mean To Think Amerindian Thought?. Das Questões, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 1, 2024. Disponível em: https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/dasquestoes/article/view/54329. Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.