Cyber-Ecology of Minds in Revolutionary Acid



  • Matheus Henrique da Mota Ferreira UFRJ


cybernetics, ecology of mind, capitalist realism, Gregory Bateson, Mark Fisher


In times of new materialisms, naturalisms and realisms, new resources are needed to enable us to map and intervene in a reality whose organizational - or formal and informational, in Bateson's jargon - complexity only seems to increase. In order to develop such resources, we propose a meeting between Gregory Bateson and Mark Fisher, two thinkers who use a cybernetic framework to think about a rapidly changing world. The meeting is not trivial and tends to produce some friction; however, we think that this can even help to produce synergies between their systems, which will aid in the mission of expanding our mapping and intervention capacities in this ecology of circuits of different natures, all entangled in a large complex web that we call reality. The cybernetic framework helps us both to visualize how systems of systems organize themselves together, and to organize ourselves so that we can better move within them. From Bateson's Ecology of Mind to Fisher's Capitalist Realism and Acid Communism, we will try to expand an active-cognitive-organizational repertoire so that it can enable us to begin to answer: in the face of the complexity of reality, ‘what is to be done’?.


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How to Cite

Cyber-Ecology of Minds in Revolutionary Acid: INCAUTAS APROXIMAÇÕES ENTRE BATESON E FISHER PARA LIDAR COM A COMPLEXIDADE ORGANIZACIONAL DO REAL. Das Questões, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 1, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.