
  • Sofya Gevorkyan
  • Carlos A. Segovia



Cosmopolitical Paradigms, Dwelling, Machinism, Perspectivism, Meta-poetics


There are different ways of defining, in transcendental terms, the coexistence with the other-than-thehuman (assuming it is merely that what it is at stake for us). We propose to explore three alternative par-adigms thereof, as well as their eventual intersections: an eco-technological paradigm, based on the idea of machinism or universal connectivity, à la Hörl; another one which may be described as optical-perspectivist, based on a pragmatic reading of Viveiros de Castro’s multinaturalism; and, finally, a third one of Hölderlin-ian inspiration, which we should like to label meta-poetic and to which structural anthropology would offer something like a comparative ontological semantics and Heidegger’s philosophy the figured bass.


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How to Cite

TRES PARADIGMAS COSMOPOLÍTICOS: ECO-TECNOLÓGICO, PERSPECTIVISTA Y META-POÉTICO. Das Questões, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 2, 2021. DOI: 10.26512/dasquestoes.v8i2.37675. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.