Nature Speaks, Poetry Responds



Parole chiave:

Plants, Poetry, Nature, Aesthetics, Cultural Anthropology


The article explores the ancient link between plants and poetry, evoking poetry’s early connection with healing rituals and its expression throughout history until the present day, when the climate crisis makes imperative a closer proximity to nature by virtue of the feelings and sensations that poetry can invoke in regard to nature’s beauty and power of creation

Biografia autore

  • Mauricio Vieira

    Mauricio Vieira (Santo André, 1978). Autor de Arvoressências, Manual Onírico de Jardinagem e As Mãos Vazias (poesia),  A Árvore Oca (romance) e Floresta (infantil).   Tem obras e poemas publicados no Brasil, em Portugal, França e no México. Organiza e participa de eventos de poesia ao redor do mundo. Edita a revista Arvoressências desde 2014.


Riferimenti bibliografici

BRUNON, H. Jardins de Sagesse en Occident. Paris: Seuil, 2014.

DE PRECY, J. Le Jardin Perdu. Arles : Actes Sud, 2011.

FISHER-WIRTH, A., STREET, L-G. The Ecopoetry Anthology. San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 2013.

HALLE, F. Éloge de la plante. Paris: Points, 1999.

HIRSH, E. How to read a poem: and fall in love with poetry. New York: Harvest Books, 2000.

KEATS, J. Selected Poems. London : Macmillan, 2019.

KIMMERER, R.W. Braiding Sweetgrass. Minneapolis : Milkweed Editions, 2013.

LATHEM, E.C. The Poetry of Robert Frost. New York : St. Martin’s Griffin, 1979.

LEVI-STRAUSS, C. La pensée sauvage. Paris: Pocket, 1962.

MARTELLA, M. Fleurs. Arles: Actes Sud, 2021.

ORGEL, S., BRAUNMULLER, A.R. The Complete Pelican Shakespeare. New York: Penguin Books, 2002.

SIMARD, S. Finding the Mother Tree- Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest. New York : Knopf, 2021.

ZURCHER, E. Les arbres, entre visible et invisible. Arles : Actes Sud, 2016.





Dossiê - Imaginários botânicos

Come citare

Nature Speaks, Poetry Responds. (2022). Revista Cerrados, 31(60), 4-8.

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