Weavings of new narratives from the Americas

negralização in América Negra & outros poemas afro-brasileiros, by Elio Ferreira





Elio Ferreira: poetry, Elio Ferreira: essay, negralização, amefricanity


This work intends to investigate negralização as an element that contributes to the weaving of new narratives of the Americas based on a literary analysis of the book of poems América Negra & outros poemas afro-brasileiros (2014), by Elio Ferreira. We initiate from the hypothesis that the poems under analysis can be understood as a set of  narratives intertwined through memory, culture and history of the people of the Americas. Regarding Elio Ferreira's work, we emphasize that there will be an interconnection between the author's poetic and essayistic production, through the category of negralização, presented in Ferreira's thesis (2017). We note that negralização, in relation to other categories, contributes to the construction of alternative narratives of the Americas as it formulates other representations of black blokes, their experiences, memories, knowledge and identities. the dialogues established will be supported by the thoughts of Elio Ferreira (2017; 2021) and Lélia González (2020).


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Literatura e teoria de autoria negra no Atlântico Sul

How to Cite

Weavings of new narratives from the Americas: negralização in América Negra & outros poemas afro-brasileiros, by Elio Ferreira. (2024). Revista Cerrados, 33(66), 48-58. https://doi.org/10.26512/cerrados.v33i66.55134