“Whe talk about us”
slam at school, the voice that tells our story
orality and corporeality, peripheral powers, education, spoken poetryAbstract
This article is created together with experiences of spoken poetry – Slam – at school. Poetry Slam is a cultural manifestation that revolves around oral and bodily poetic expression. A manifestation linked to the HIP-HOP movement, initially, is the effect of movements of young black people and those from the outskirts of large cities. Today, it is spread across different territories. Its themes are focused on the fight against racism, denouncing class, gender and sexuality inequalities. In this work, the research takes place alongside poetic experiences and workshops in public schools in the city of Juiz de Fora (MG). What emerges from the interventions of orality and poetic corporeality in schools? Affected by this question, this article brings verses created by the participants – students and elementary school students – in the exercise of telling their own narratives and reflections around orality, another corporeality and writing that becomes peripheral to what is given hegemonically.
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