A A reading path in Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Dream of a Ridiculous Man
Reading, Enunciation, DostoevskyAbstract
Contact with literature, as a way to reflect on one of the various forms of language and the human psyche, allows both linguistic analysis, in the strict sense, and the analysis of meanings and representations of a world created by the subject of enunciation. In order to reflect on the peculiar form of artistic construction of Fyodor Mikhailovitch Dostoevsky, this study aims to give notoriety to the work "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man" (1877), highlighting the sensitive nuances of the text and how the enunciator deeply projected the limits of reason and faith. For this, we will have the theoretical framework of discursive semiotics, as well as Benveniste's studies of enunciation and the tensive unfolding of the theory to highlight the passionate gradients involved in the enunciative project, understand a possible reading path and the coercions that come from enunciative marks. This atmosphere for analyzing the literary text in the light of semiotics is, therefore, a compliment of literature and the ability to (re)signify the world (MARTINS, 2017).
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