literatura, montagem e política em A hora da estrela/ literature, montage and politics in A hora da estrela, by Clarice Lispec
Clarice Lispector. Imagem. Didi-Huberman. MontagemAbstract
This paper is an interpretation of the text A hora da estrela, by Clarice Lispector, published in 1977, a few months before the writer's death. In order to read this text, we start from a dialogue between the novel by the Brazilian writer and the book by Georges Didi-Hubeman (2017), entitled When images take positions, in which the French philosopher discusses the centrality of images in order to think about other possibilities to set up private and collective stories. The basic problem that we intend to answer through this hermeneutic exercise is how the Clarician text problematizes the issues related to the friction between literature and image and how the montage/ distancing procedure can be understood in the Clarician universe, particularly in her last work that calls into question a policy of the imagination. In addition to Didi-Huberman, authors such as Hélène Cixous (2017), Solange Ribeiro de Oliveira (2019) and Ricardo Iannace (2013) are invited to the discussion, contributing to highlight the extent to which relations between literature and image can be considered in this ultimate text by Clarice Lispector.
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