: Tragic. Myth and Literature. Valter Hugo Mãe. Homens imprudentemente poéticos.Abstract
The article retraces a journey through contemporary narrative, highlighting intersections of existential content, mystical and mythical-poetic. The magic of language incites the reader by building the relationships of intersubjectivity that extend from the family unit to the social and by the spectral atmosphere that reaches periods of tension and lyricism. The mytho-tragic approach is another aspect that highlights a picture of animosity and inner restlessness of the protagonists. The analysis extends to the Greek ideology, taking up components of the tragic that offer an enriching possibility of reading the book in constant movements between the misery of everyday life and the enlightening conscience that feeds the artistic practice.
Keywords: Tragic. Myth and Literature. Valter Hugo Mãe. Homens imprudentemente poéticos.
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