What’s a woman?


  • Susana Bornéo Funck  Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Woman. gender. Feminism. Literature.


This paper examines and discusses some of the meanings attributed to the concept of “woman” in the context of contemporary feminism. When feminist studies started in Brazil, in the 1980s, the word was hardly questioned and was employed in a rather essentialist way, based on the notion of experience. As gender studies and postmodern theories asserted themselves, it acquired more provisional and, supposedly, less political meanings. By discussing some of these issues, we mean to open the debate in the context of women and literature studies.

Author Biography

  • Susana Bornéo Funck , Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

    Doutora em Humanidades pela Universidade do Texas em Arlington.
    Professora de literaturas de língua inglesa na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC


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