Memories of trauma and gender relationships in Ha vinte anos, luz | My name is light, by Elsa Osorio
Elsa Osório. Memory. Trauma. Gender.Abstract
Issues concerning the construction of identity and gender have been addressed in the field of literary studies, especially in the last two decades. It has also been observed a paradigm shift regarding the subject in scientific studies, especially in the humanities in the West. In Latin America, in particular, the exploration of these concepts is remarkable, considering the advancement of post-colonial studies and the notion of the hybrid individual as shown by Hall(2003). Thus, individuals as the Black, the Indian and / or the women have been the subject of studies in which each one tries to claim their position in society as active subjects. It is what can be seen in the novel Há Vinte Anos, Luz / My name is Light (2006) by the Argentinian writer Elsa Osorio. Thus, the work will be structured with the theoretical contributions of Perrot (2012), Lauretis (1994), LE GOFF (2003), among others.
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PUEZO, Luis. A História Oficial (filme). 1985. 112 min. Cor. Som. Disponível em: <> acesso em: 31/05/14 (Edição 2024 de 20 a 26 de abril de 2014)
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