Two Faces of the same Coin: On the Bound of Postmodern Autofiction In O Irmão Alemão, Chico Buarques
O irmão alemão. Autofiction. Autobiography. Chico Buarque.Abstract
In O Irmão Alemão, romance published in 2014 by Chico Buarque, the writer blends facts already known of his biography to the public with fictional passages marked by delirium and the unrestrained imagination of lyric self. O Irmão Alemão can be interpreted, as a work of autofiction ”” neologism created by Serge Doubrovsky to describe works which blend reality and fiction. The typical existence, in the author and character lives, a German brother, the passion for soccer and literature, the father Sergio surrounded by books and living with the hard line of military repression are elements that make similar and approach the author Chico to the character Ciccio.
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