A Representation of Unusual Contemporary Romance in The Mountains of the Moon of Samuel Duarte


  • Ester Abreu Vieira de Oliveira PPGL/ UFES (mestrado e doutorado) e de algumas instituições culturais.


Representation. Uncommon. Novel. Mountains of the Moon.


It is considered uncommon the manifestation of conscience and of a desire that is not rationally justifiable. Tvezan Todorov (1975) considers fantastic a perplexity before an unbelievable fact, a hesitation between a rational and realistic explanation, and the end of a supernatural situation. According to Bessiére (1974), the fantastic does not contradicts the laws of the literary realism, but shows that those laws make them unrealistic when actuality is considered totally problematic. Based on these theorists, we analyze the uncommon in the work of Samuel Duarte who, in As Montanhas da Lua (The Mountains of the Moon) (1982), engenders the character Ariel, who and who tries to find the enigma of his own existence.

Author Biography

  • Ester Abreu Vieira de Oliveira, PPGL/ UFES (mestrado e doutorado) e de algumas instituições culturais.

    Doutora em Letras Neolatinas UFRJ; Pós-doutora em Teatro Contemporâneo, UNED, Madri; membro do PPGL/ UFES (mestrado e doutorado) e de algumas instituições culturais.

    http://lattes.cnpq. br/3293718089972581


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How to Cite

A Representation of Unusual Contemporary Romance in The Mountains of the Moon of Samuel Duarte. (2015). Revista Cerrados, 23(38). https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/cerrados/article/view/25790

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