Sátira e crítica social num conto de Lima Barreto


  • Irenísia Torres de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Ceará


Lima Barreto. Satire. Short story.


This article proposes an analysis of the short story “Como o ‘homem’ chegou”, by Lima Barreto, published in 1914. It examines the construction of the satirical narrative, to understand how the elements scattered throughout the history come to compose an ordenated view about Brazil. It also focuses the treatment, in the tale, of institutions, such as politics and police, and central issues, such as progress, science, knowledge and madness. Finally, it makes a profound discussion about the form and the durabilitity of Lima Barreto’s satire.

Author Biography

  • Irenísia Torres de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Ceará

    Professora doutora da UFC, Fortaleza - CE


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Empenho, Engajamento e Crítica Social na Literatura Brasileira

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