If this is a man?. Ethical and aesthetic considerations from the work by Primo Levi


  • Yasmin Zandomenico
  • Wilberth Salgueiro


If this is a man?. Testimonial literature. Theodor Adorno.


Published in 1947, the work If this is a man, by Primo Levi, a Holocaust survivor, is representative of the concentration experience during the Second World War and of the testimonial literature. From considerations made by Theodore Adorno, Jeanne Marie Gagnebin and Jaime Ginzburg, this paper analyzes If this is a man in its historical and literary dimensions. The study also aims to establish a dialogue with works of other artistic languages that have as the theme the Shoah.


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How to Cite

If this is a man?. Ethical and aesthetic considerations from the work by Primo Levi. (2016). Revista Cerrados, 24(40). https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/cerrados/article/view/25650