From memory to postmemory: political conclusions and contemporary literary fiction


  • Claudio do Carmo


Memory. Postmemory. The end. Contemporary narrative.


The memory is political. A consensus seated in their own constructional nature. Hence the postmemory whose politicization reaches the climax, in that it seems to be more specific and effective in social joint to achieve a possible aspect of representation, including the literary fiction. In this sense, seated on studies that point to the memory of discussion (CANDAU, 2014) and postmemory (HIRSCH, 2008), we seek a relationship of these memory constructions in contemporary narrative, especially the novel “The End” by Fernanda Torres.


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BOURDIEU, Pierre. Meditações pascalianas. Trad. Sergio Miceli. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 2001, p.184.

BRANDÃO, Junito de Souza. Mitologia grega. v. 1. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1986.

CANDAU. Joel. Memória e identidade. São Paulo: Contexto, 2014.

DERRIDA, Jacques. Mal de arquivo ”“ uma impressão freudiana. Trad. Cláudia de Moraes Rego. Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumará, 2001.

HALBWACHS, Maurice. A memória coletiva. São Paulo: ed. Centauro, 2004.

HIRSCH, Marianne. The generation of postmemory. Poetics today, v.29, n.1, 2008, p.28-103.

POLLACK, Michael. Memória e identidade social. Rio de Janeiro: Estudos Históricos, vol. 5, n. 10, 1992, p. 200-212

TORRES, Fernanda. Fim. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2013.



How to Cite

From memory to postmemory: political conclusions and contemporary literary fiction. (2016). Revista Cerrados, 24(40).