El mundo alucinante and its representation policy: an pragmatic analysis


  • Ana Paula Silveira
  • Luciana Cristina da Silva


Pragmatic. Politics of representation. O mundo alucinante.


We show in this paper that the ideological perspectives represented in a novel are responsible for the demarcation criteria capable of distinguishing “fiction” and “reality”, but are, above all, in an act of intervention on how the look will be directed to this reality. In this perspective, the interest of this work is to launch on the novel by Reinaldo Arenas, The World Evil Dead, a look from what Rajagopalan (2010) appoints New Pragmatics, i. e., in pragmatics the research that conceives language, first of all, in its political dimension.


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How to Cite

El mundo alucinante and its representation policy: an pragmatic analysis. (2016). Revista Cerrados, 24(40). https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/cerrados/article/view/25587

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