Writing in the margins of history: a dialogue between Dois irmãos e Angústia about the national literary representation
Transfiguration of reality. Literary representation. Dois irmãos. Angústia.Abstract
This essay aims to understand the relationship between doing literary Dois irmãos, by Milton Hatoum (contemporary romance) and Angústia, by Graciliano Ramos (which falls into the category of Romance 30). In both character-writers are immersed in a torn inability to represent their characters, because they are fully aware that they can not “uncover” the thought of another, and understand that his writing does not relieve the dynamics of history, a Since producing literature in peripheral society - where there are disastrous consequences resulting from the modernization process of time - is to design a world where the law of equity prevails. Thus, while scholars of literature, we wonder: how is the creator of the intellectual process by their inability to represent the other?
ano IV, n. 42, Lemos Editorial, São Paulo, jan. 2001, p. 52-5.
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