Children’s literature. Literary Translation. Bertolt Brecht. Dialectic Literary Criticism.Abstract
This paper proposes a theoretical approach for the criticism of canonic works, translated (not adapted) in illustrated children’s books. We start from an analysis of the book A cruzada das crianças (Kinderkreuzzug, 1939), published in 2014, a Bertolt Brecht’s poem illustrated by Carme Solé Vendrell, and of its translation into Brazilian Portuguese by Tercio Redondo. This work belongs to an atypical core in the children’s literary system and as such demands a peculiar approach for understanding its internal tensions. We highlight the fact the translation does not fit into the dominant norms in the children’s system ”“ namely, the tendency of borrowing works from adult literature by means of recognized textual adaptation procedures. Our goal is to shed light on the phenomenon of the transit of works from the adult literary system into the children’s system.
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