The alienated labor in the mirror of the Taberna Minhota:
reification and fetishism in the realism of Murilo Rubião
Murilo Rubião. aesthetic reflex theory. György Lukács. alienated laborAbstract
From the story The ex-magician of Taberna Minhota, the present study presents an analysis of the narrative of Murilo Rubião, recognized as one of the only Brazilian writers dedicated to the fantastic genre, from the perspective of realism conceptualized by György Lukács. Following the logic historical materialist of the aesthetic reflex, the article intends, on the hand, to demonstrate the literary representation of the contradictory unity between the appearance and the essence of Brazilian reality, at the time of the expansion of industrial labor in the decade of 1930-40, mediated by the Marxian concept alienated labor, from the reification and fetishization of life, and, on the other hand, to show that historical conditions may require, for the construction of true realism, a fantastic aesthetic construction.
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