The dialectic of nymph in The Waste Land, de T.S. Eliot
“The Waste Landl”. T.S. Eliot. PoetryAbstract
In this article, we reflect on some issues related to the figure of the Nymph, as thought by the German art historian Aby Warburg, taking as starting point her complexity as a dialectical image that insists on appearing as a symptom that resists and survives, reaching up to modernity and the contemporary, being able to still provoke fascination and disturbance, to continuously generates new senses and meanings. From a reflection on Nymph's image in modernity, we sought to think of the appearances of this female figure in motion in the poem "The Waste Land", by T.S. Eliot.
______. “Aby Warburg e a ciência sem nome”. Arte e Ensaios. n. 19, 2009.
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