“Graphic body memoir”:

on the genre of autobiographical comics and representations of disability



Autobiography. Comics. Disability. Body


This article discusses the genre of autobiographical comics and the possibilities of representation of disability, something to which I refer to as “graphic body memoirs”. The idiosyncrasies of comics justify the need for a more specific theoretical framework in terms of graphic memoirs and disability. To illustrate the possibilities of such concept, I bring the work Bitter Medicine: A Graphic Memoir of Mental Illness, by the brothers Clem e Olivier Martini, published in 2010.

Author Biography

  • Renata Lucena Dalmaso, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará

    Professora adjunta na Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará


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Literatura, Artes e Inclusão Social

How to Cite

“Graphic body memoir”:: on the genre of autobiographical comics and representations of disability. (2018). Revista Cerrados, 27(46), 15-27. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/cerrados/article/view/19628