capture of subjectivity and the economy of sharing as elements in the precarious structure of work in technology


  • Cristiane P. de Souza Centro Universitário AESO Barros Melo



Subordination, Capture of Subjectivity, Capitalism


In this article we show subtle means established by a system structurally consistent with the needs that punctures the mechanisms of contemporary capitalism. The world is in constant transition in the face of technological means, establishing new ways of social relations and consequently labor, where it has been undergoing metamorphoses in its expressions of power. Thus, to speak of these manifestations of power and subjection, the theme that labor doctrine calls the capture of subjectivity is contextualized. In order to understand such transformations of human behavior in labor relations, first of all, it is essential to recognize that such understanding arises within a pseudo capitalist concept of the misrepresented and romanticized sharing economy, This economy is used as a backdrop in the era of the information revolution. Thus immersed in this illusion, the capitalist system transforms the sharing economy into utopia and conducts it in part of the manipulative system of human subjectivity as a cog in the demanded mode of production, but why do we still speak of it as a capitalist model?

Keywords: Subordination, Capture of Subjectivity, Capitalism.

Author Biography

  • Cristiane P. de Souza, Centro Universitário AESO Barros Melo


    Centro Universitário AESO Barros Melo




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How to Cite

“METAMORPHOSES OF THE WORK RELATIONSHIP: Capture of Subjectivity and the Economy of Sharing As Elements in the Precarious Structure of Work in Technology”. 2021. Abya-Yala: Journal on Access to Justice and Rights in the Americas 5 (2): 55 a 73.