democratic emptying and legal instrumentalization in the fight against political enemy


  • Luana Alves de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Goiás - Regional Jataí



Post-Democratic State; righ; lawfare


This article seeks to establish a link between the perspective of the Post-Democratic State and the practice of Lawfare, based on elements of the current Brazilian legal and political scene. The idea is to point out how this relationship has integrated the context of emptying democratic values and shattering of constitutional rights and guarantees, as well as forging political enemies, basically signaling interests related to the satisfaction of determined political and economic powers.

Keywords: Post-Democratic State; righ; lawfare.

Author Biography

  • Luana Alves de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Goiás - Regional Jataí

    Graduanda do Curso de Bacharelado em Direito

    Universidade Federal de Jataí




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How to Cite

“THE POST-DEMOCRATIC STATE AND LAWFARE IN BRAZIL: Democratic Emptying and Legal Instrumentalization in the Fight Against Political Enemy”. 2021. Abya-Yala: Journal on Access to Justice and Rights in the Americas 5 (2): 169 a 195.