The Brazilian-Hispanic relationship in the Iberian Union through documents preserved in Spanish institutions
Iberian Union. documentary legacy. research project. Archives. Libraries. digitization.Abstract
We present the first results of a research project that aims at identifying and disseminating valuable historical documents related to the period of the Iberian Union (1580-1640) that are preserved in Spanish documentary institutions. This project sheds light on a little-known era in the shared history of Brazil and Spain and intends to strengthen ties between the two countries. The first methodological step for the identification of documents has been a bibliographic review that will help in the identification and selection of sources in Spanish archives and libraries. Once the selected documents are identified, they will be classified after a taxonomy of thematic areas resulting from research of the most relevant holdings. In a first stage the identification, selection and digitization of the documentation will be carried out. A second stage should bring to citizens and researchers alike a selection of the most relevant documents; this will be possible through various initiatives, notably: virtual and physical exhibitions, in Spain and Brazil; scientific and informative publications; and the creation of a web portal where a selection of digitized works will be linked and described. Through all those means; this important documentary legacy will be made much more accessible to the research community as well as to every citizen.
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