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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Scope and editorial policy

Revista Iberoamericana de Ciência da Informação (RICI) is published quartely by the Program of Graduate Studies in Information Science, School of Information Science at the University of Brasilia, Brazil. It is intended to edit and publish original technical and scientific papers in Portuguese, Spanish or English, resulting from research of interest of Information Science. The main form of contribution is the scientific article, but the RICI also publishes review articles, experience reports, opinion articles and essays, and book reviews.


Analysis of Articles

The Editorial Board makes the analysis before submitting them to peer review. In this analysis, are considered aspects such as general scope and presentation of the article according to the journal's standards. Articles rejected in this pre-analysis are returned to the authors and others are subjected to analysis of ad hoc reviewers.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Articles sent to the RICI should preferably be original and may not have been sent simultaneously to other scientific or technical journal. - The text should be typed in Microsoft Word text editor, space 1.5cm, Calibri font, size 11, A4 sheet with upper and lower margins of 2.5 cm and left and right 3 cm. Pages should be numbered and not exceed the number of 25, including references.


Information required in the online submission of papers

  • In Step 1 of the submission (Home) in "Comments to the Editor", it is recommended to inform the relevance and unprecedented aspect of the work.
  • In step 2 submission (Including metadata) in "summary of the biography" of each author, inform training and academic degree. Click "include author" to enter all coauthors of the work in the order of authorship. Still in step 2, copy and paste the title, abstract and keywords of the article in the respective fields of the system. Then go to the top of the screen, in the "Language of form", and select "English". Get off the screen (click on the scroll bar) and copy and paste the "title", "abstract" and "index terms" in the corresponding fields. To continue the submission process, it is necessary that both the title, summary and terms for indexing as the title, the abstract and index terms of the manuscript have been provided.
  • In step 3 of the submission (manuscript Transfer), load the complete text in Microsoft Word 1997-2003 or rtf.
  • In step 4 of the submission (Transfer of additional documents), load, the RICI online system, a Word file with all the letters (messages) agreement of coauthors as the explanations below: - Paste an E-mail in Word file at a co-author of agreement with the following content: "I, ..., I agree with the content of the work entitled" ..... " and the submission for publication in the RICI journal.


How to make

Ask the co-author (s) to send you an e-mail agreement, please forward it to your own email (so will generate the data from the original message: subject, date, and), check all emails and copy and paste then it into Word file. Therefore, we have all the concordances letters of co-authors in the same file.


Organization of the Scientific Article

The ordering of the article should be made as follows:

  • The articles presented in any language should follow the presentation structure: Title, authorship, institutional and electronic addresses, Abstract, Index terms, Title in English, Abstract, Index terms, title and keywords in Spanish. It is recommended to consult NBR 6023/2000 to prepare references.
  • Furthermore, it is suggested that compliance with the ABNT standards regarding the presentation of articles in periodicals (NBR 6022), presentation of citations in documents (NBR 10520), presentation of original (NBR 12256), standard to date (NBR 5892), progressive numbering of the sections of a document (6024), abstracts (NBR 6028) and the IBGE standard of presentation of numerical data.



  • The term abstract should be spelled in lowercase, except the initial letter, on the left margin, and separated from the text by a dash sign.
  •  The abstract must be written in three languages (Portugues, Spanish and English).
  • It must contain no more than 200 words, including numbers, prepositions, conjunctions and articles.
  • It should not contain bibliographical citations or abbreviations.
  • Should be prepared with short sentences, containing the objective, material and methods, results and conclusion.
  • The end of text should contain the main conclusion, with the verb in the present tense.


Indexing terms

  • The expression Keywords followed by a colon, must be spelled in lowercase, except the initial letter.
  • The indexing terms must be separated by a final point and start with a lowercase letter.
  • Must be at least three and at most six, considering that an indexing term may have two or more words.
  • They should not contain words that made up the title.



  • The word Thanks, if applicable, must be centered, written in bold, in lowercase, except the initial letter.
  • They must be brief and direct, starting out with "To …" (individuals or institutions).
  • They must contain the reason for the expression of gratitude.


The word References should be written in bold, in lowercase, except the initial letter. - Should contain only the work consulted in the case of quotation. - Examples:

- Articles from Conference Proceedings (accepted only complete works)

AHRENS, S. A fauna silvestre e o manejo sustentável de ecossistemas florestais. In: SIMPÓSIO LATINO-AMERICANO SOBRE MANEJO FLORESTAL, 3., 2004, Santa Maria. Anais. Santa Maria: UFSM, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal, 2004. p.153-162.

- Journal articles

SANTOS, M.A. dos; NICOLÁS, M.F.; HUNGRIA, M. Identificação de QTL associados à simbiose entre Bradyrhizobium japonicum, B. elkanii e soja. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, v. 41, p. 67-75, 2006.

- Book chapters

AZEVEDO, D. M. P. de; NÓBREGA, L. B. da; LIMA, E. F.; BATISTA, F. A. S.; BELTRÃO, N. E. de M. Manejo cultural. In: AZEVEDO, D. M. P.; LIMA, E. F. (Ed.). O agronegócio da mamona no Brasil. Campina Grande: Embrapa Algodão; Brasília: Embrapa Informação Tecnológica, 2001. p.121-160.

- Books

OTSUBO, A. A.; LORENZI, J. O. Cultivo da mandioca na Região Centro-Sul do Brasil. Dourados: Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste; Cruz das Almas: Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, 2004. 116 p. (Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste. Sistemas de produção, 6).

- Thesis/Dissertations

HAMADA, E. Desenvolvimento fenológico do trigo (cultivar IAC 24 - Tucuruí), comportamento espectral e utilização de imagens NOAA-AVHRR. 2000. 152p. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas.

- Electronic sources

EMBRAPA AGROPECUÁRIA OESTE. Avaliação dos impactos econômicos, sociais e ambientais da pesquisa da Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste: relatório do ano de 2003. Dourados: Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste, 2004. 97p. (Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste. Documentos, 66). Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 abr. 2006.


  • The Editor and scientific advisory reserve the right to request changes in the articles and decide about its publication.
  • Are the sole responsibility of the authors the opinions and concepts expressed in the article.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The contribution is not being evaluated for publication by another journal or event.
  2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF (provided they do not exceed 2MB)
  3. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the “Author Guidelines”, located in “About the Journal”.
  4. The data related to the authorship identification was removed from the file and the “Properties option” in Word, thus ensuring the journal's confidentiality criteria, if submitted for peer review (ex.: articles), according to instructions available in “Ensuring peer blind evaluation”.


Copyright Notice

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

  • Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, allowing the sharing of work and recognition of the work of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  • Authors are able to take on additional contracts separately, non-exclusive distribution of the version of the paper published in this journal (ex.: distribute to an institutional repository or publish as a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
  • Authors are permitted and encouraged to distribute their work online (eg.: in institutional repositories or on their website) at any point before or during the editorial process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as increase the impact and citation the published work.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • 1. Make sure that the submission is original, that is, the work cannot have been previously published and/or be submitted simultaneously to another journal.
  • 2. Make sure that the submitted file is in Microsoft Word format without identifying the authors, and that it must be downloaded and used the submission template for the structure of the submitted text, available in the magazine's horizontal bar. Remembering that it is mandatory to use the format indicated by the magazine's editors. Note: style standards and bibliographic requirements are described in the Guidelines for Authors (Section “About the journal”).
  • 3. Check whether the abbreviated citations in the body of the text and in footnotes (author, year of publication and, where applicable, page) are complete in the references at the end of the text, according to ABNT standards. All references in electronic format (journals, e-books, digital theses and dissertations) must correctly indicate the full URL at the end of the reference. If the URL is too long, it can be shortened to:
  • 7. I declare to be aware that all items of the above conditions have been met, and that if any of them are omitted, the manuscript will be returned or rejected, according to the pre-evaluation.
  • 4. Make sure you are using standardized keywords according to thesauruses: Information Science Thesaurus (IBICT), UNESCO Thesaurus. Failure to include standardized keywords will give direct authorization for us to include new standardized terms. If you have any questions, please contact the magazine's editors. [It is mandatory to use these thesauri to standardize keywords].
  • 5. Make sure that the registration for presentation of the ORCID iD has been carried out. Registration is free, if you have not done so, it can be obtained at the URL: It is mandatory to register all authors of the manuscript, not just the first author.
  • 6. Make sure that the Conflict of Interest Declaration has been made [Declaration link], and included as "Other Document", or sent via e-mail: or


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The names and email addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will is not available for other purposes or to third parties.