Construcción del Derecho de las Audiencias

el Caso de las Defensorías del Televidente en Colombia




Hearing Rights. Viewer's Ombudsman. Citizen Participation. Social Responsibility. Mass Media.


[Purpose] To analyze the construction of the objective right of hearings in Colombia based on the analysis of the figure of the ombudsman for viewers.

[Methodology/Approach/Design] Legal, dogmatic, qualitative research, with a hermeneutic approach and documentary technique. Primary sources were used: regulations and jurisprudence, and secondary sources: specialized literature. These were traced in legal and academic databases, processed in files, and discussed by the research team.

[Findings] The evidence of the existence of a right of hearings and the analysis of its objective dimension was developed. Its strong epistemological and dogmatic autonomy, its relative regulation autonomy, and its weak pedagogical autonomy are demonstrated.

[Practical Implications] A more systematic regulation development of the right of hearings in the Colombian legal system is necessary. In turn, it is necessary to address other research areas that delve deeper into the most sensitive issues of the legal relationship between the media and viewers. The research contributes to the debate on the strengths and weaknesses of the democratic model in Colombia.

[Originality] The research is innovative and original, given the absence of studies on the subject in Colombia.

Author Biographies

  • Olga Cecilia Restrepo-Yepes, Universidad de Medellín

    Lawyer from the Universidad de Medellín, specialist in Constitutional Law from the Universidad del Rosario, Master's Degree in Law from the Universidad de los Andes and a PhD in Law from the Universidad de Medellín. She currently works as an undergraduate and graduate professor of Public Law at the University of Medellín. She is the leader and member of the University of Medellín Legal Research Group. Junior Researcher according to Colciencias measurement. Email: (Corresponding author)

  • César Augusto Molina-Saldarriaga, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

    Master in Landscape Design, specialist in Administrative Law and Lawyer. Pontifical Bolivarian University. Internal professor at the School of Law and Political Sciences. Associate researcher of the SNCTeI in the Law Research Group. Consultant for public entities. Topics of interest: international human rights law, constitutional law, administrative law, urban law, land use planning. Address: circular 1 70-01 block 12 office 201, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Laureles campus. Medellin Colombia. Email:

  • Juan Diego Restrepo-Yepes, Institución Universitaria de Envigado

    Lawyer from the San Buenaventura University of Medellín, specialist in Administrative Law from the University of Medellín and a master's degree in Law from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. He currently works as Coordinator of Research and Undergraduate Work at the Envigado University Institution and a full professor at the same institution.

  • Luisa Fernanda Bedoya-Taborda, Universidad de Medellín

    Lawyer from the Faculty of Law and student of the specialization in environmental law at the University of Medellín. She is a member of the research hotbed “Justiciabilidad de los Derechos.

  • Rubén Dario Palacio-Mesa, Universidad de Medellín

    Doctor in Philosophy, Master in Learning Processes and Teaching of Second Languages, Master in Humanities, Specialist in Administration of Educational Informatics, Psychologist and Bachelor of Basic Education with Emphasis in Humanities, Spanish Language and Foreign Language (English). Professor at the University of Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Construcción del Derecho de las Audiencias: el Caso de las Defensorías del Televidente en Colombia. Law, State and Telecommunications Review, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 1, p. 139–164, 2022. DOI: 10.26512/lstr.v14i1.37717. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.