EE-LEACH: Energy Enhancement in LEACH to Improve Network Life Time of Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Network


  • Anshu Kumar Dwivedi Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology



Clustering. LEACH. Cluster Head. WSN. Energy Efficiency.


Purpose ”“ In the recent scenario, there are various issues related to wireless sensor networks such as clustering, routing, packet loss, network strength. The core functionality of primarily wireless sensor networks is sensor nodes that are randomly scattered over a specific area. The sensor senses the data and sends it to the base station. Energy consumption is an important issue in wireless sensor networks. Clustering and cluster head selection is an important method used to extend the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. The main goal of this research article is to reduce energy consumption using a clustering process such as CH determination, cluster formation, and data dissemination.


Methodology/approach/design ”“ The simulation in this paper was finished utilizing MATLAB programming methodology and the proposed technique is contrasted with the LEACH and MOD-LEACH protocols.


Findings ”“ The simulation results of this research show that the energy consumption and dead node ratio are improved of wireless sensor networks as compared to the LEACH and MOD-LEACH algorithms.


Originality/value ”“ In the wireless sensor network there are various constraints energy is one of them. In order to solve this problem use CH selection algorithms to reduce energy consumption and consequently increase network lifetime.


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How to Cite

EE-LEACH: Energy Enhancement in LEACH to Improve Network Life Time of Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Network. Law, State and Telecommunications Review, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. 205–224, 2020. DOI: 10.26512/lstr.v12i1.29051. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.