Table of Contents


  • Editorial Board


Dear Reader,


We are pleased to introduce the eleventh volume of the Law, State and Telecommunications Review (LSTR).

In this issue, the journal published a number of original articles on topics relevant to telecommunications from a myriad of interdisciplinary perspectives.

We are delighted to include articles on public choice and the deregulation movement in the European Telecommunications, UK postal rule applied to electronic contracts, IoT spectral demand in Mexico, use of ICT in police districts in Peru, competition in the traditional telecommunications market and the OTT role, disruptive models for the telecom operators in the new digital arena, filtering technique in wireless sensors, metamaterials absorber for stealth applications, telecommunication network deployment algorithm, fractal antenna parameters for reception of digital terrestrial television signals in the UHF band, integrated purchasing and banking data protection in the context of the Directive (EU) 2015/2366, effectiveness of French contract law on OTTs, liability legal regime applicable to the technical intermediaries in the European and French Law, judicial control of the telecom regulatory agency’s decision-making power in long-distance-like calls in Brazil, and the origin of digital inequalities in the city of Sao Paulo.

For future issues, we will continue to publish articles on all relevant areas of telecommunications.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this issue looking forward to a second issue of this eleventh volume to be released on October 2019.




Prof. Marcio Iorio Aranha

Editor-in-Chief, The Law, State and Telecommunications Review

On behalf of the Editorial Board

Author Biography

  • Editorial Board

    Prof. Márcio Iorio Aranha (Editor-in-Chief)

    Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Faculdade de Direito, Brasília/DF, BRASIL

    Prof. Ana Frazão

    Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Faculdade de Direito, Brasília/DF, BRASIL

    Prof. Clara Luz Alvarez

    Universidad Panamericana, Facultad de Derecho, Ciudad de México, MÉXICO

    Prof. Andre Rossi de Oliveira

    Utah Valley University, School of Business, Finance and Economics, Orem/UT, USA

    Prof. Flavia M. S. Oliveira

    Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Faculdade de Tecnologia, Brasília/DF, BRASIL

    Prof. Francisco Sierra Caballero

    Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Comunicación, Sevilla/Andaluzia, ESPAÑA

    Prof. Fabio Bassan

    Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali, Roma, ITALIA

    Prof. Hernán Galperin

    University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Los Angeles/CA, USA

    Prof. Jerônimo Siqueira Tybusch

    Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), Departamento de Direito, BRASIL

    Prof. João Alberto de Oliveira Lima

    Universidade do Legislativo, Brasília, BRASIL

    Prof. Juan Manuel Mecinas Montiel

    Center for Economic Research and Teaching ”“ CIDE, Ciudad de México, MÉXICO

    Prof. Liliana Ruiz de Alonso

    Universidad San Martín de Porres, Instituto del Perú, Lima, PERÚ

    Prof. Lucas Sierra

    Universidad de Chile, Escuela de Derecho, Santiago de Chile , CHILE

    Prof. Luís Fernando Ramos Molinaro

    Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, Brasília/DF, BRASIL

    Prof. Murilo César Ramos

    Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Faculdade de Comunicação, Brasília/DF, BRASIL

    Prof. Raúl Katz

    Columbia University, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, New York/NY, USA

    Prof. Roberto Muñoz

    Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria, Departamento de Industrias, Valparaíso/Valparaíso, CHILE


The Public Choice View at the “Deregulation” Movement: Analyzing the Experience of European Telecommunications
Acceptance sent through email; is the postal rule applicable?
Internet de las Cosas: Demanda Espectral en México
Infraestructura Tecnológica y Acceso a la Información en las Comisarías Policiales: Una Evaluación del Desempeño del Uso de las TIC en la Lucha contra el Crimen en la Ciudad de Lima
Competencia en los mercados de telecomunicación tradicionales y OTT
Nuevos Modelos Disruptivos para los Operadores de Telecomunicaciones en un Nuevo Entorno Digital
A filtering technique for n-way stream joins in wireless sensors networks
Multi Band Metamaterials Absorber for Stealth Applications
Multilayer, locality aware, telecommunication network deployment algorithm
Diseño y Medición de los Parámetros de una Antena Fractal basada em la Curva de Koch para la Recepción de Señales TDT em la Banda UHF
Compras integradas e proteção de dados bancários no contexto da Diretiva (UE) 2015/2366: os novos prestadores de serviços de pagamento
A eficácia do direito contratual francês diante dos gigantes da Internet
Os gigantes da Internet e o futuro do regime de responsabilidade dos intermediários técnicos no direito europeu e no direito francês
Controle judicial da regulação estatal à luz do pensamento de Jürgen Habermas: análise da jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça sobre cobrança de tarifas interurbanas dentro do mesmo município ou entre municípios conurbados
Mapeando a origem das desigualdades digitais: um estudo empírico sobre a cidade de São Paulo






Masthead, Editorial Board, Double-Blind Peer-Reviewers, Table of Contents

How to Cite

Table of Contents. Law, State and Telecommunications Review, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. i-xiv, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.

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