Paper or graphite dragon? the modernization of China's defense industry between dependence and autonomy




China, Military modernization, Defense industry, Indigenous innovation, Force planning, Logistics


The 2006’s Chinese Defense White Paper settled goals for military modernization that would consolidate a force planning strategy aiming long-term results that could make it possible to win local wars under informationized conditions. The combination of policies of dual-use civil-military technology, catch up and absorption of foreign knowledge through joint ventures, China intends to overcome an imitation-based regime and to consolidate a defense industry with indigenous innovation. The paper analyzes how this strategy would reformulate logistic aspects of the Chinese military and promote the development of the fifth largest military industry in the world.

Author Biography

  • Victor Carneiro Corrêa Vieira, Escola de Comando e Estado Maior do Exército

    Escola de Comando e Estado Maior do Exército, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Militares, Rio de Janeiro ”“ Brazil


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How to Cite

“Paper or Graphite Dragon? The Modernization of China’s Defense Industry Between Dependence and Autonomy”. 2018. Meridiano 47 - Journal of Global Studies 19 (April).

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