Da África do Norte para a África Subsaariana
Grupos radicais islâmicos no Mali e na Nigéria
Terrorism, Africa, Islamic FundamentalismAbstract
The aim of this article is to discuss the action of some radical Islamist movements that began operating in border areas between North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, especially in two countries, Mali and Nigeria. The article analyzes the impacts that such movements cause for the international relations of these countries, putting the dilemma of foreign intervention in the case of Mali, or government responses in the case of Nigeria.
How to Cite
“Da África Do Norte Para a África Subsaariana: Grupos Radicais islâmicos No Mali E Na Nigéria”. 2017. Meridiano 47 - Journal of Global Studies 15 (146): 46-52. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/MED/article/view/4982.