O Desafio do Uso da Força e a evolução das Medidas de Confiança Mútua no Conselho de Defesa Sul-Americano da UNASUL
South American Defense Council, Use of Force, Confidence Building MeasuresAbstract
Despite South America is considered a peaceful region, due to its low occurrence of wars, the threat or use of force hasn’t been abandoned in it. In face of that, this paper analyses the confidence building measures developed in the South American Defense Council.
How to Cite
“O Desafio Do Uso Da Força E a evolução Das Medidas De Confiança Mútua No Conselho De Defesa Sul-Americano Da UNASUL”. 2017. Meridiano 47 - Journal of Global Studies 14 (140): 42-48. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/MED/article/view/4824.