Operações de Paz como Incentivo ao Profissionalismo das Forças Armadas
O Caso Uruguaio
Peacekeeping operations, Uruguay, United NationsAbstract
This paperwork aims to analyse some reasons why Uruguay is maintaining a policy of sending its military forces to peacekeeping operations and points some implications to Armed Forces. In a way to construct a background we proposes a historical analysis about the relations of the Uruguayan Estate and its Armed Forces in order to define the importance of peacekeeping operations for militaries in Uruguay. It address also an evolution of peacekeeping operations since 1945, when United Nations become its sponsor.
How to Cite
“Operações De Paz Como Incentivo Ao Profissionalismo Das Forças Armadas: O Caso Uruguaio”. 2017. Meridiano 47 - Journal of Global Studies 12 (128): 34-43. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/MED/article/view/4477.