Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The article has not been previously published, in whole or in part, in any other journal (even if in modified format), neither is under consideration for publication in other media;
- The submission file is in doc or docx format;
- URLs for the references have been provided with the respective dates of admission;
- The text is single-spaced, using a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underscore; and its maximum length is between 4000-8000 words;
- The text adheres strictly to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, in the "About" Section;
- The text contains title, abstract of about 70 English words, and 3 key words in English;
- I agree, on my behalf and on behalf of my co-authors, to transfer that this article that I now submit to Meridiano 47 can be can be conveyed by the Brazilian Institute of International Relations (Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais) on public and private databases, in Brazil and abroad. I and my eventual co-authors agree that any funds arising from this placement are reverted to the IBRI;
- I declare, on my behalf and on behalf of my co-authors, that I am (we are) fully responsible for the entire contents of the contribution I (we) now submit to the Editorial Board of Meridiano 47.
- I declare, on my behalf and on behalf of my co-authors that there is no conflict of interest that might interfere with the impartiality of the scientific work now presented to the Editorial Board of Meridiano 47.
- I declare, on my behalf and on behalf of my co-authors, we know and adhere to the Ethical guidelines and best practices in scientific publishing adopted by Meridiano 47.
- I declare, on my behalf and on behalf of my co-authors, we agree to Open Access publication of this submission.
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