Institution-based access implications faced by traditional communities in Amazônia: towards co-managing protected areas and Terms of Compromise for socio-biodiversity
Resource and market access, Sociobiodiversity of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, (in)formal institutions, Formalisation, Protected areas, Rights-based managementAbstract
Given limitations of resource and market access reported by traditional local communities, and a limiting institutional environment for socio-biodiversity in Amazônia, the main question is: how do institutions (re)shape natural resource and market access by Quilombolas in the protected area of the Trombetas River Biological Reserve (TRBR)? Implications of the TRBR Term of Compromise (TC) – a formal institution written by Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) – on livelihood-relevant access to socio-biodiversity products (Brazil nuts) and markets are analyzed. Methods include semi-structured interviews (n=89) focusing on NTFP-gatherers, and observation and focus-group interviews for data triangulation. An analytical framework is developed, combining access theory, institutions and property rights scholarship. Findings reveal that the TC overwrites institutionalized norms of Quilombola communities, which regulated such livelihood-relevant access long before the TRBR establishment (1979). The TC not only formalizes BN use but also unintentionally restricts natural resource and market access, limiting Quilombolas’ bioeconomy-benefits.
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