Analysis of the constitutive order on social and environmental determination of occupational benzene poisoning:
revisiting the case of Cubatão, SP, Brazil
Benzeno, Determinação Socioambiental, Vulnerabilidades Socioambientais, Saúde do Trabalhador, Saber Operário, Abordagem SistêmicaAbstract
Cubatão is marked by the installation of industries with high pollution potential and negative impact on workers and population health. The objective of this study was to present an analysis of the study carried out in the 1990s through the participation of the affected workers and the metalworkers' union. To study the effects of benzene on health, a study was carried out at the time, based on the diagnosis of benzene intoxicated workers from coke-oven gas in the steel industry in the city of Cubatão-SP. For this, a seven-year cohort composed of workers with haematological alterations resulting from benzene exposure was established, and histological analysis of the bone marrow and clinical evolution were performed. The results of this research and its political and social repercussions for the protection of workers' health were reviewed. For this, it is demonstrated that the approach used in this research illustrates the social determination of benzene. The main repercussions of the study were: expansion of occupational health surveillance with intersectoral action; sociobiological integration to define surveillance indicators; incorporation of family dynamics subjectivities related to the employee leave; change in legislation and production process; understanding of the social determination of benzene; incorporation of benzene in the Health Surveillance System.
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