From fishing to natural:
trajectory of tourism in Mato Grosso do Sul (1970 to 2015)
Desenvolvimento Regional, Meio Ambiente, Turismo de pesca, EcoturismoAbstract
The object of analysis of this study is the trajectory of tourism in Mato Grosso do Sul State, between
1970 and 2015, with the main objectives of describing the historical course of tourism in the state and
the triggers that changed the predominance of fishing activities to the offering of attractions linked to
natural tourism. This work was developed with the use of secondary sources, institutional documents
and archives, as well as on-site observations, photographic records and semi-structured interviews
with tourists and residents. Public policies, combined with the investments of the private sector, were
deemed responsible for substantially altering tourism characteristics in the State, including the nature
of activities and the areas for its expansion. Ecotourism, representing a new stage of tourism in the
State, is characterized by the support to commercial activities, with disregard for cultural singularities
and the environment. The directed actions of the public sector, and the public and private investments
in structure, have substantially altered the nature of tourist development in the state.
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