The construction of Brazilian Environmental Product Declaration System


  • Veronica Moreira Horner Hoe Universidade de Brasília
  • Armando Caldeira Pires UnB



Declaração Ambiental de Produtos, Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Rotulagem Ambiental, Políticas Públicas


Type III ecolabel has been adopted by many countries in the world, especially after the demands of
European countries. The increased adoption of type III ecolabel and elaboration of rules to categorize
products in various productive sectors have been observed. Brazil, recently has published an
environmental product declaration (EPD) program (Programa de Rotulagem tipo III-DAP) regulated by
the National Metrology, Quality and Technology Institute (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Tecnologia ”“ INMETRO), also responsible for Brazil’s life cycle analysis program. This article identified
and analyzed instruments, challenges, limits and possibilities to implement the program proposed by
INMETRO for type III ecolabel, based on international experience, SWOT analysis and interviews with
industry actors. It was concluded that INMETRO’s program is recent but aligns well with other programs
around the world, allowing a possible mutual recognition in the future. Moreover, the Brazilian program
can be integrated to other public policies, strengthening its own implementation.

Author Biographies

  • Veronica Moreira Horner Hoe, Universidade de Brasília

    Foi aluna de mestrado do Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da UnB (2014 - 2016). Graduada em Ciências Biológicas e especialista em Gestão Ambiental, e, Políticas Públicas e Gestão Governamental.

  • Armando Caldeira Pires, UnB

    Professor no Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável - CDS
    Professor na Faculdade de Engenharia


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How to Cite

The construction of Brazilian Environmental Product Declaration System. (2017). Sustainability in Debate, 8(2), 44-59.

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