
conservation that came from the canopy


  • José Luiz de Andrade Franco
  • Marcelo Ismar Santana



This gallery of photos and the text that accompanies it are the result of a trip made to the
Sustainable Development Reserve Mamirauá by the photographer and professor at the University
of Brasília (Veterinary Medicine) Marcelo Ismar Santana and by the professor - also at the
University of Brasília- (History/Center for Sustainable Development), José Luiz de Andrade Franco.
The goal was to learn about and make photographic records of three on-going research projects
about primates: the white bald-headed uakari (Cacajao calvus calvus), the blackish squirrel monkey
(Saimiri vanzolinii), and the common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus cassiquiarensis). The visit
included field trips, deepening the understanding of the actions that are developed in Mamirauá
and allowing for a varied set of photographs of landscapes, flora, fauna, riverside communities
and the activities of researchers and managers.


BANNERMAN, Matt & MARIGO, Luiz Claudio. Mamirauá: Um Guia da História
Natural da Várzea Amazônica. Tefé: IDSM, 2001.
BOUBLI, Jean P.; SILVA, Maria Nazareth F. da; AMADO, Manuella V.; HRBEK, Tomas;
PONTUAL, Francisco Boavista; FARIAS, Izeni P. A Taxonomic Reassessment of Cacajao
melanocephalus Humboldt (1811), with the Description of Two New Species. In:
International Journal of Primatology, June 2008, Volume 29, Issue 3, pp. 723-741.
INOUE, Cristina Yumie Aoki. Regime Global da Biodiversidade: o caso Mamirauá.
Brasília: UnB, 2007.
MELLO, Thiago de & MARIGO, Luiz Claudio. Mamirauá. Tefé: SCM, 2002.
QUEIROZ, Helder L. A reserva de desenvolvimento sustentável Mamirauá. In: Estudos
Avançados, 19 (54), 2005.






How to Cite

Mamirauá:: conservation that came from the canopy. (2014). Sustainability in Debate, 5(1), 203-235.