Educação e desenvolvimento sustentável:
a expansão do ensino superior na região metropolitana do Cariri
Sustainable Development, University, Public PolicyAbstract
This article discusses the expansion of the number of vacancies in the higher education network in Brazil, with focus
to the Cariri, the state of Ceará, northeastern Brazil. Assumes that access to education creates favorable conditions for
the filing and consolidation of Sustainable Development. Studies of this nature in regions historically excluded
contributes positively to the sustainable development process. The research was conducted from the collected and
processed data concerning Higher Education in Brazil and Cariri between the years 2002 and 2009, obtained from the
National Institute of Educational Studies Anísio Teixeira (INEP), and database from four institutions of higher education
located in Cariri, Ceará. In Cariri, Ceará, we noted the growth of access to higher education in the last decade, this
fact is related to the increase of public investment and also the participation of private enterprise, creating what may
be called the hybrid system of funding. This reality contributes to the creation of an environment conducive to the
development of this region, given the changes that can provide access to education for the life of every citizen and in
the aggregate to the surroundings.
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